We’ve come a LONG WAY in 20 Years!
Added 4300 Attractions
The directory has added over 4300 attractions across Canada. These newly added listings further enhance the website’s comprehensive coverage of Attractions, Shopping, Sports & Recreation, Entertainment, and Travel Services, offering a one-stop platform for travelers exploring the vast Canadian landscape. [MORE]
Added National Parks, Historical Sites, First Nations
Added 47 National Parks, 130 National Historical Sites, and 647 First Nations, to provide the most complete listings (and links) to the national treasures our visitors are most interested in discovering and exploring.
Enhanced PEI Highway Details and Towns
We added several smaller communities along the Trans-Canada Highway #1 through PEI and updated the attractions listings for the communities already in our website’s editorial. We give you more reasons to stay longer and more things to do while visiting PEI.
Radium Detour During Kicking Horse Construction
Continuing coverage of the Kicking Horse Construction Project and the Castle Junction-Radium-Golden detour in the shoulder seasons to accommodate a major construction project between Lake Louise and Golden. 2024: The Kicking Horse project has now been completed.
Expanding Coverage to Other Trans-Canada Routes
We have added overviews to the other Trans-Canada routes, including Ontario’s #7 Southern Route, #11 northern route, and in the west the #3 Crowsnest Route (with FULL detailed itineraries), and the #16 Yellowhead Route. As well we are begining to add the popular routes to the North: the Alaska Highway , the Dempster Highway and Inuvik-to-Tuk Highway and the Trans-Labrador Highway Route.
Added Crowsnest Highway (#3) Details
We have added Route Overviews and Itinerary details about the Crowsnest Highway #3 through southern BC and Alberta. We also added the towns along the route to the Towns & Cities info for their respectives provinces (and integrated communities up and down the Okanagan Valley between the TCH #1 and the Crowsnest#3.
Radium Detour During Kicking Horse Construction
We are adding the Castle Junction-Radium-Golden detour to accommodate a major construction project between Lake Louise and Golden.
We also started adding other major routes (Ontario’s 401) and other Trans-Canada routes, including Ontario’s #7 southern route, Ontario’s #11 northern route, and in the west the #3 Crowsnest Highway, and the #16 Yellowhead Highway.
BC Floods Coverage
TransCanadaHighway.com has been providing travellers updates on the website and on social media about travel options and alternative routes, given the shutdown of the TCH#1 and Coquihalla #5 (also affecting the #7, #3 and #99) due to flood damage and landslides across southern BC in November 2021.
Updated our Social Media Strategy
We redesigned out visual standards for self-promotional posts and links,and expanded news from just Facebook, to Twitter and LinkedIn. Added link-back posts for provinces, cities, and itineraries to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
COVID Travel Restrictions
When the COVID pandemic hit, we added COVID and the related Travel Restrictions info to the TransCanadaHighway.com website. Posted updates in any provincial travel restrictions to website and to our social media channels.
We also provided over-the-phone guidance to help folks return to their homes at the start of travel restrictions, and helped travellers who had necessary travel to navigate the changing restrictions.
TransCanada Highway.com moved to WordPress
After 20 years using Microsoft SQL Server technology, we used the first few months of COVID to transfer the website to WordPress, whicxh helped us to improve functionality, the quality of graphics, and our integration with Google Maps.
Merged FoundLocally Content into TransCanada Highway.com
‘We merged in key local information and content from our thirty sister FoundLocally.com community directory websites, and shifted the brand focus from the #1 national highway to all about travel in and across Canada.
Trans-Canada Highway to cover ALL Canada
For 20 years we were focused on the main #1 Highway coast to coast. Looking to a post-COVID travel boom in Canada from Canadian and global visitors, we began to expand out community and travel informaiton to cover other routes (the #16 Yellowhead Highway, the Crowsnest #3 Route, the #11 Northern Ontario Route. And we also better serve travellers to Canada’s Arctic: Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and Yukon.
COVID Travel Restrictions
As availability of immunization started lifting the blanket bans on travel, we regularly updated COVID and the related Travel Restrictions info to the TransCanadaHighway.com website
Updated Website imagery and Social Media
We’ve been using social media for a decade, and updated the visual design of our posts for Facebook,. Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest, at the same time improved the use of graphics on many of the pages across out website.
Kicking Horse Canyon Project Radium Detour
Due to seasonal (off-season) closures of the main #1 Trans-Canada Route for major improvements in the Kicking Horse Canyon, detours via Highway 95 and 93 through Radium BC were necessitated. We provided content, information, and maps to help travellers navigate the detour over the 2 year construction period
Trans-Canada Highway BC Flood Content
When several sections of the Trans-Canada in southwestern BC were disrupted due to 2021 flood,and the highway connection between Vancouver and the rest of BC (and Canada) was affected, we posted content, updates, and detour maps on TransCanadaHighway.com to help travellers navigate the disruption.
Updated Responsive Design
We rebuilt all our websites: TransCanadaHighway to use “megamenus” and streamline the look and navigation, and improve cross-platform consistency,at the same time speeding up the web page loading.
Movie Listings go direct to Theatre
After 18 years of movie listings, we saw that the ability to book tickets online was in demand by consumer, we linked the listings right to each cinema/theatre website.
Rebuilt our Marketing Website
We realized we are not “a company with three websites + marketing services”, but we are “a marketing company, with three websites that PROVE (and support) our marketing services!”. We reviewed our service offerings, and provided more detail about the many great services we have provided clients over our 19 years in business.
SSL – Secure Server
In April, we implemented SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to provide secure forms, encrypted communication, as well as better integration with Google maps for our Localmap feature, across FoundLocally.com, MovingInCanada.com, and TransCanadaHighway.com
Canada 150
To help celebrate Canada’s 150th Birthday, and the people visiting many parts of the country to share in that, we have added, updated, and upgraded lots of information around our site and in our business listings.
Trans-Canada Highway history published
We have published the history of the Trans-Canada Highway, as part of the extensive content of its popular travel-planning site, TransCanadaHighway.com. This was done to help people plan and enjoy their cross-Canada road trips to celebrate Canada 150.
Enhanced Login Security
Updated security on Registered Contacts to improve database security
Launched Marketing Website
New WordPress site combines content form Blog, Media Kit and Website Audit domains… using Responsive Design.
Enhanced Masonry Layout (Pinterest-style)
We have expanded our masonry layout (Pinterest-style interface) to a broad range of site sections, with visual links to a wide range of content and [random] featured businesses in our directory
Enhanced the Events Calendar
Increased number of events visible in Calendar, integrated with Pinterest-style feature listings
We’re now TransCanada FoundLocally Inc
Re-branding to reflect (a) national scope and (b) our two strongest online brands
Added Farmers Markets weekly events to Calendar
Added weekly Farmers Markets events to our directory and calendar to promote local farmers & agriculture
All sites now Responsive Design for tablets & mobile users
After 5 years of dual sites (desktop & mobile) converted all sites, content (over 100,000 pages ), and listings to Responsive Design
Hotel Reservations link direct to Hotel’s website
Now link directly to hotel’s, motel’s, B&B’s reservations info & pricing for BEST RATES and latest info
Fuel Digital Media is our Interactive Agency
Montreal-based Fuel Digital is now representing FoundLocally websites to national advertisers and their agencies. They have 15 years experience with interactive advertising.
Began Adding “Pinterest” style content to all major pages
The new masonry layout for content and directory searches Includes logos for listings, and photos for website content to create greater interest. Added showcase of featured business.
Added LocalMap feature
Showed listings on FoundLocally and TransCanadaHighway.com in Google map layout, with different feature layers. What’s around YOU?
Facebook Pages and Twitter Feeds for each community
Helped to expand local-focused Facebook, Twitter & social media interest
Google AdSense for Interactive Ads
FoundLocally.com and TransCanadaHighway.com ended a five year relationship with Casale Media (now called Index Exchange) when they converted to “programmatic advertising” technology which adversely affected ad targeting and publisher rates. We are now using Google AdSense (Ad Words for our Advertisers) on all our websites.
Trans-Canada Highway Flood Content
When the section of the Trans-Canada at Canmore, AB was disrupted due to a 2013 flood,and the highway connection between Alberta and BC was affected, we posted content on TransCanadaHighway.com to help travellers navigate the disruption.
Added Translation to 57 languages to TransCanadaHighway.com site
Integrated Google Translate so users from other countries and cultures can read our content in their native language.
Upload Images or Logo for Business Listing
Automatically crop and resize uploaded image for TransCanadaHighway.com Business Listing, and their events news, jobs, coupons
Mobile/Smart phone version launched
This new version provides FULL access to the extensive informational content and the business directory on all brands of mobile smartphones without an “App”.

Added Social Bookmarking & Sharing Making
Now easier for visitors to share our content on THEIR feeds and pages, using AddThis plugin
Trans-Canada Highway Flood Content
When the section of the Trans-Canada between Medicine Hat, AB and Swift Current,SK was disrupted due to a 2010 flood and culvert wash-out,and a 100 km detour was in place, we posted content on TransCanadaHighway.com to help travellers navigate the disruption.
FoundLocally websites move to Casale Media
After careful evaluation, Casale was the strongest Canadian-focused online marketing agency.
FoundLocally adds RSS Feeds for key info
Enabled dissemination of key posts (listings, news, events, etc) to other blogs and site
Added details itineraries to TransCanadaHighway.com
Added mile-by-mile itineraries and details including cross-roads, natural features, attractions, accommodation, towns
Launched new Web Marketing Blog
Includes new features, news, SEO tips, and industry tip sheets

Added Sports Teams Games to Calendar
Added major league & minor league teamsfor baseball, football, hockey, and soccer team across FoundLocally communities.
Launched 5 Greater Toronto (“GTA”) Community Sites
Launched Toronto, North York, Etobicoke, Scarborough, and York Region portals.
Added Top 15 Movie Ranking to Movie Showtimes
Summarize showing on screens across 160 movie theatres across Canada, to determine the Top 15 movies this week
Integrated Facebook, Twitter & Social Media with FoundLocally
Used Social media to enhance conversations & interactions with our followers for each of our 3 sites
Full Google Maps integration in TransCanadaHighway.com
Itineraries show details around exits, interchanges, and for communities along the highway
Launched Kitchener-Waterloo FoundLocally.com site
Start of expansion west of GTA along the Highway 401 corridor to Kitchener-Waterloo.
Sites launched for Hamilton & Oakville-Burlington
Start of expansion into the Greater Toronto Area (“GTA”) Hamilton & Oakville-Burlington
Launched Hamilton FoundLocally Site
Began expansion into Greater Toronto Area (GTA) & Golden Horseshoe with a Hamilton site
Launched Niagara Falls & Barrie-Muskoka Sites
Sites for Southern Ontario, with most-popular travel destinations (Niagara Falls, and Barrie-Muskokas for Toronto residents
Calgary Flood Special Content
When Calgary was affected by the flood of 2005, we posted content on the Calgary.FoundLocally.com site and on TransCanadaHighway.com to help locals and travellers navigate the disruption
Launched 4 Maritimes Community Sites
Added directories for St John’s, Halifax, Charlottetown, and Fredericton
Added online hotel reservations
Linked with BookDirect for online hotel bookings, integrated with directory and hotel search

Added Jobs & Resumes to business listings
Post job openings for businesses & volunteer opportunities for community groups. Users can post their resumes for businesses to view.
Image Gallery Added for local photographs used on websites
Search and display images (with FREE USE for schools, students, teachers)
Launched Thunder Bay, Ottawa-Gatineau FoundLocally sites
After completing local research and photography, launched more sites ( Thunder Bayand Ottawa-Gatineau along Trans-Canada Highway

Added new Virtual Tours for many cities
QuickTime Virtual Tours added for cities across West
Online Advertising through Clickthrough Interactive
Signed with Toronto-based Clickthrough Interactive to represent FoundLocally sites to national advertisers (note: Clickthrough has since become 24/7 RealMedia)
Launched in Okanagan-Shuswap
FoundLocally expanded features and geographic scope to the Okanagan-Shuswap in the interior of British Columbia
Launched FoundLocally.com in Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie
Added more communities along Trans-Canada Highway, Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie, to strengthen national travel information.