Social Media
Engagement, Interactions, Success!
Seeing less than
optimal results
with “Social”?
Social Media is HARD WORK,
and cannot be taken for granted.
Just like your customers!
Where clients already ARE online!
Social Media Marketing helps create and foster Client Relationships
As in the real world, relationships take time and effort, they are reciprocal, and they are rarely “instant”. A client looking for someone to create “viral content” usually has unrealistic expectations. Social media can grow linearly or exponentially, though in early stages the two growth paths are not distinguishable.
Start with clear objectives, and start regularly posting good content. Content should include text along with photos and videos. Don;t have every post be a “selling post”. Be informational (things like industry news) with links to articles in media or industry websites. Good, regular posts create a reason for non-customers to want to follow you. And for customers/clients/friends to want to “share” the content with their network. Some Social Media sites (Instagram, Pinterest) are about the images. Some (YouTube, TikTok) are more interested in Videos. Some are more interested in information (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter). Always invest in quality!
Until you get post 100 friends or followers it is hard (if not impossible) to measure effectiveness of your Social Media strategy, but please be patient. Be sure to let your clients know about your social media presences in your other advertising, your letterhead, business cards and on-remises signage. You might even consider Social Media advertising to build your followers more quickly, but keep in mind the “friends” list belongs to the social media website, but a customer list belongs to YOU.
Broadening your customer base!
Social Media & Marketing Technology Experience
Almost all of our web projects include some Social Media components, and we’ve helped clients with already good websites develop and evolve their Social Media strategy for maximum impact. These are also effective tools for Reputation Management engagements.
Social Media Marketing
Don’t just follow the flock!
your website better link to LinkedIn and
your LinkedIn better link to your website