FoundLocally.com website is moving to TransCanada Highway.com
After the past 20 years serving fellow Canadians, we are retiring the FoundLocally.com website. Our passion is now focused on our TransCanadaHighway.com
website, which we have re-imagined and keeps growing in popularity.
We thank all businesses and the individuals behind them for your support, interest, suggestions, and website visits over the past twenty years. THANKS!
What’s Ahead
Our great information about the Trans-Canada Highway has ever-increasing traffic and is a strong brand with travellers. We’ve been busy providing travellers COVID-19 inter-provincial travel info. After COVID-19, we expect to help travellers find and enjoy great Canadian travel experiences.
TransCanadaHighway.com website has detailed route itineraries, and we’ve added key local content including attractions, festivals, farmers markets, beaches, hiking trails, nearby towns, and airports.
We are shifting the brand from about “our National Highway” to all travel across & around Canada. We are adding more itineraries for other highways, including Ontario’s
Travel/tourism/hospitality sector business listings will be automatically transferred to TransCanadaHighway.com (about 16,000 of you from the prior version of the site) in early August (after Google spiders & indexes our new content).
In LATE AUGUST, visit TransCanadaHighway.com and find your business and “claim” the listing (new database security makes this step necessary), so you can further update the listing. Your claim is approved quickly when your email matches the business’s web domain.
Listings for non-travel or non-hospitality business will NOT be transferred! (Sorry.) PLEASE DO NOT try to add your business to Trans-Canada Highway. The site does not reach YOUR CUSTOMERS.
The 20 year old FoundLocally brand will now represent our web marketing services. Our services and our portfolio are showcased at httpd://Marketing.FoundLocally.com.
Thank you all again for your support over the past 20 years. I invite you to explore and enjoy the TransCanadaHighway.com website!