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Deloitte’s 2010 Technology Predictions

Deloitte, one of Canada’s top accounting and professional services firms does an annual prediction of what technology trends will be key in the next year. I have attended their predictions roll-out for the past three years and I have always…

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Scams that try (but fail) to get a free listing

We see, surprisingly regularly a number of businesses that appear to be scams, trying to use our site to reach an online audience. Over the years, we’ve learned to appreciate honest disclosure by businesses about the products or services they…

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Is the Broadcast Business Model Broken?

Recently executives from CTV GlobeMedia and Canwest appeared before the CRTC (Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission) to appeal for revenues from cable and satellite operators across Canada or more accurately, their subscribers, like you and me), in order to make…

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Changing the City of a Listing in FoundLocally

When a business is sold, or if the owner moves, it is sometimes necessary to move a listing from one FoundLocally site to another (not just a community or neighbourhood within a FoundLocally site). This does not happen very often,…

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Tips for Effective School Websites

Schools should have web sites for a couple of reasons: inform parents, inform students, and showcase its talent (both students and teachers) and its community contribution. The importance and priority of these differs with each school, school board, and community…

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