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Nail your Free Listings

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Improve your GOOGLE ranking with a listing

We have, over the years, developed a number of industry “Tip Sheets” that help businesses, entrepreneurs, community groups, schools and governments. These web marketing tips help everyone take advantage of’s FREE community directory features to extend their online reach. Our tips will also improve your search engine ranking!

With Social Media, you only communicate with those you are already connected with. With TransCanadaHighway.comyou can reach many more people your local community, who are searching for businesses LIKE YOURS and have not yet discovered you! 

SELECT productivity-enhancing and performance-boosting web marketing & SEO tips, tailored to YOU!

If YOU ARE (or are using) an offshore link-building or citation-building firm… use THIS LINK FOR TIPS

Glenbow Museum-Modern Art exhibit

Web marketing for Art Galleries and Museums

Get the highest online visibility for Art Galleries and Museums, using the free listings.
Golf Courses

Web marketing for Golf Courses

Golf courses offer a wide range of goods and services in their communities. They are a facility for playing golf (sometimes public, sometimes not, or semi-private with a mix), they have golf professionals offering lessons, and pro shops.
Salmon Arm marina

Web marketing for Marinas and Yacht Clubs

FoundLocally coves a lot of territory and a lot of variety, covering both East and West Coasts, the inland Great Lakes, and a lot of lakes and waterways that are a part of Canada’s cottage country, in pretty well every province.
Patio seating

Web Marketing for Restaurants, Lounges, Pubs and Nightclubs

Restaurants can easily reach consumers are rapidly moving to using online resources to find, evaluate and select their dining options. Post news, events, specials/coupons.
woman in a salon

Web marketing for Full-Service Spas has seen a large number of spas added to our directory, providing a full range of spa services.
Glenbow Museum-Buffalo

Web marketing for First Nations and their Agencies.

Online visibility for First Nations, and their Economic Development Offices and Visitor Bureaus and band-owned businesses using the free listings. Your goal is to create the highest traffic and visibility for your First Nation and its members to increase economic opportunities.
Victoria Inner Harbour - Tourism Office

Web marketing for Economic Development Offices and Visitor Bureaus

Get the highest online visibility for Economic Development Offices and Visitor Bureaus and YOUR MEMBERS using the free listings. cu.
Vaughan, Canada soccer game

Web marketing for Sports Teams and Sports Leagues

Why should only “major league” sports teams and leagues get the public attention? FoundLocaly provides the opportunity for all amateur sports to promote themselves,their news, and their events (sign-ups, games, end-of-season awards, and fund-raising events), using a self-serve toolkit.
Vancouver Streetscape

Web Marketing for Retail shops and services

Unlike a lot of Shopping sites that only focus on high-end Retail Stores, or include only advertisers (like the in-hotel travel magazine), FoundLocally’s database is free for all retail stores and services and is very complete.
Shopping Mall interior

Web marketing for BRZs, BIAs and Shopping Malls

Get the highest online visibility for Business Revitalization Zones (BRZs) or Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) and YOUR MEMBERS using the free listings. Shopping Mall Management also works to create the highest traffic & visibility for their tennants
Old Strathcona Farmer's Market, in Edmonton

Web marketing for Flea Markets and Farmers Markets

Flea Markets and Farmers Markets are unique in that they are aggregators of a number of local growers, craftsmen, artisans and businesses into a popular an high-traffic venue, and often open only for limited days or hours each week.
Lilac Festival Crowd

Web marketing for Festivals and Community Events

FoundLocally’s self-serve toolkit makes it easy for all festivals and community events organizers to provide year-round visibility for event organizations, promote and fill both paid and volunteer positions, and promote their festival’s entire schedule.
Edmonton Downtown-HotelMacdonald

Marketing Hotels and Accommodation

Hotels, Motels, Beds and Breakfasts, Wilderness Lodges, Vacation Rentals, and long-term accommodation can use FoundLocally promote their properties, as well as their other facilities like restaurants, stores, banquet facilities
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