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Who is FoundLocally?

Overview of the company and its portal websites.

FoundLocally provides free information about 30 cross-Canada communities, integrated with a free iocally-focussed community and busines directory. The site is support ed by “banner” display advertising, which is managed and represented by 24/7 RealMedia, which has worked closely with FoundLocally since 2001.

FoundLocally has created a chain of 30 locally-focussed community portals under the name, that now stretch across Canada. We’ve also created targetted portals and for the travel and the real estate sectors.

The FoundLocally portals are interactive for businesses, community groups & government who can update their organizational information, as well as post events, news, jobs (and volunteer opportunities) as well as savings (sales and/or coupons), all for free.

These sites attract an ever-growing web-savvy audience — of community residents and visitors — of a million visitors a month. What makes this all the more intriguing is, that this traffic was generatedwithout any traditional media, just “word of mouse” and word of mouth.

For advertisers, FoundLocally presents two unique opportunities:

  1.  to target a locally focussed audience with community-tailored messages, and
  2. to extend your Reach to an online audience not typically overlapping your traditional media (print, radio, television) buys.

FoundLocally works closely with 24/7 RealMedia (formerly 24/7 Canada) to ensure that advertiser’s message reaches the best audience in the most targetted and cost-effective manner.

Mark Ruthenberg

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